Why gays should vote for Hyatt
Continued from previous page dering to those who espouse it), Hyatt has been barnstorming Ohio pledging to:
■Support legislation which would provide a long-overdue federal remedy to persons who claim to have been denied housing, employment, public accommodations and credit on the basis of sexual orientation.
Support legislation which amends Title VII to guarantee full human rights to gay, lesbian and bisexual citizens.
■Support the passage of the long-dormant Equal Rights Amendment.
■ Support a comprehensive campaign to educate the populace (especially young people) about the differences among people in this nation and to tolerate, appreciate and celebrate those differences.
Support a comprehensive crime bill that truly punishes the perpetrators of hate crimes. Support the right of localities to enact ordinances which recognize domestic partnerships.
■Support the right of localities to enact ordinances which recognize domestic partnerships.
Support the right of localities to enact ordinances which protect civil rights of people regardless of sexual orientation.
■Strongly oppose any measure in any municipality and lend his voice in opposition to any Cincinnati-style effort to amend Ohio's constitution to ban human rights protection for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals.
On health issues, DeWine has trumpeted the Republicans' blockage of comprehensive health care legislation and bragged that if he was a Senator, he would have: 1) joined his Republican cohorts in preventing the legislation from coming to a floor vote; 2) stripped such legislation of provisions which would have prevented discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; and 3) stripped the legislation of provisions providing a fullrange of women's reproductive services.
Hyatt has been urging the Senate to pass comprehensive non-discriminatory health care legislation this year. Since certain Republicans, by Senate filibuster, murdered the passage of such legislation, we must elect Joel Hyatt to the Senate so that comprehensive, non-discriminatory health care reform does not meet a similar fate next year.
Unlike DeWine, who, first as a member of Congress and then as lieutenant governor, has enjoyed taxpayer-subsidized health-care for virtually his entire adult life, Hyatt, as a business owner, has had to figure out a way to provide health care to his employees without bankrupting his enterprise. As a result, unlike DeWine, Hyatt supports:
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which would guarantee affordable health care that never could be taken away. Universal health care protection that
allows an extension of coverage to domestic partners regardless of sexual orientation.
■ national, comprehensive health care package which includes access for all women to a full range of reproductive services, such as pre-natal care and artificial insemination.
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which includes full scale preventative care for women such as mammograms and pap tests.
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which includes increases in and real funding for AIDS research and a directive for concentrated research whose goal is finding a solution for HIV diseases.
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which increases funding for women's health issues, such as the study of breast, cervical and ovarian cancers (and mandated participation of lesbians in the study).
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which includes a provision that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the providing of health care services.
■ A national, comprehensive health care package which includes age-appropriate AIDS education geared towards providing children and teens all the information they need in order to protect themselves from AIDS.
Hyatt supports the human rights and health care issues that are of critical importance to our community. His so-called "mainstream" opponent, Mike DeWine, does not. Thus, there is really only one decision to make on election day--whether to vote for Joel Hyatt or not vote at all.
Mike DeWine's supporters (and the current radical leaders of the national Republican party) want us to stay home on election day because they know if we do, they will pick up one of the
seats they need to put Jesse Helms in control of the purse strings for AIDS funding and Strom
Thurmond in control of the committee that most often addresses gay and lesbian human rights issues. If we let that happen, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. So vote on November 8 and vote for Joel Hyatt, because of the three people running for the United States Senate in Ohio, he is the only one, in the words of his campaign literature, who will be "fighting for us."
Timothy J. Downing, an attorney in Cleveland, is president-elect of the Ohio Human Rights Bar Association a group dedicated to providing a forum for lesbian, gay and bisexual issues in the Ohio legal community, and is a member of the Interim Steering Committee of Ohioans Against Discrimination, a political action committee dedicated to fighting radical right-wing political activities in Ohio.
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